Today we went to a wedding. We wore my new flower headband because mommy says I still look like a boy sometimes. I shouted as I saw mommy read in front but I fell asleep halfway through the mass, Boy! are weddings long!
This is my new friend Elmo. I love him. Thank you Uncle Kendrick for going thru all the trouble to give him to me.Hello Uncle Pat and Uncle Mark.
Hello Dr. Seuss, thank you for always entertaining me with your funny stories, words and characters.
Aug 17, 2009
Everyone is wearing red, I wonder why. It's night time and i'm out! I love watching the lights as the car speeds by them. There are lots of people in the room and they all want to get me from my mama and dada, I do not know them and I try to cling my hardest to my parents. Thank goodness I only had to stay for a few minutes, i'm so sleepy already. Zzzzzzz
Aug 23, 2009My mama brought me to a house i've been to before. Everyone here looks like my Gwama, i'm in sucha good mood I let them carry me. Lunch is served, byebye!
--Maxie bear