Dearest Bear,
your daddy and i have noticed that you have these little quirks that last for around a month. The last one was entering our room and running to get the remote control and then playing Barney on the dvd player. I think that phase has just ended. Before that was when you'd be afraid of everything, from the clouds to the dark, to the funny man on elmo. I wonder what's going to be your next new thing?
We're starting to think you're a genius, either that or we're dumber than average because we're now starting to have a hard time tricking you. Today your yaya is hiding in the maid's room bec she's leaving tomorrow. You asked me "San si Ate?" I was thinking of an answer when you said "Ate merly" so that it would be clear to be which ate you were looking for. I said "nasa baba" you said "alis si ate". I find out from you that the maid and replacement told you that your ate left already. She's going back to her family and so Mae, gwama's maid is going to be your new yaya. you've known her all your life so being with her is okay with you but from time to time you look for your old yaya. Things weren't so hard today, Vic and Mae were experts at distracting you. Tonight i held you in my arms and rocked you, I loved every minute of it. I recently read an article saying that we don't realize "moments" are happening when theyre happening. Well, tonight i think i did. I love you my little monkey bear. Goodnight, sweet dreams and know that mommy is always here for you.