Monday, January 10, 2011

Toy Review: B. Times Square Activity Cube

There are so many toys to choose from in the stores nowadays.  Leapfrog, Fisher Price, Baby Einstein are just a few of the well known brands here in manila.  Its a hard job making sure a toy we get is going to be worth it.  There's no way of knowing that our baby will like the toy in the 1st place, play with it a lot and really get to learn things as the packaging promises.  I tried to make a list of toys that I know Maxine and Kayla like but it was too hard and such a wide range.  So, instead of that I decided to just write a review of the toys.

  This was a gift from Ninang Nat from the states.  There are different versions of it here in Manila, some smaller and simpler.  There are also more complex and larger versions of this in the states.The cube has 6 sides, 2 sides are shape sorters for numbers and the other for letters.  1 side is a telephone and it has shapes you can press.  The other side is a clock and when you line up the hands to read 12o' clock the door opens.  The top part lights up and has music while she moves the shapes in the light up maze.
   She enjoyed putting in the letters and numbers in their designated holes.  She was very curious about the door in the bottom.  But she gets bored easily with the maze even with the music and lights.

What she learned:  Nothing specific.
Durability:  *****
Fun: ***** Spends 15-20 mins sitting down playing with it.
Age: 1yo-1.6yo
Purchase at for $19.99

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